my favorite movie line

11 years ago

It’s amazing how my favorite movie line is in a movie that’s not even in the theaters yet but after seeing the trailer, I know in my heart that this will be a movie worthy of an Oscar nomination. What movie is it? you ask. I’ll tell you. The movie I’m talking about is “Mandela – Long walk to freedom.”  It’s scheduled for release in November.

Many of you know the Nelson Mandela story and how his sacrifice helped end apartheid in South Africa. You guys also know he’s one of my favorite people because of this. I even heard his foundation supported this movie so you know it’s as close to the real story of his life as a movie can get but that’s not what got me about the trailer I saw, not even the fact that Idris Elba plays Nelson Mandela and you guys know I love some Idris elba.

The thing that got to me about the trailer I saw was what Winnie said to Mandela when they met. She said “I know you have lots of girlfriends but I’m different.” Such a simple line, yet so powerful. I saw myself in Winnie as what she spoke awakened in me again what I’ve been saying all along. It takes a different kind of woman to make a man step up. It speaks volumes when a woman says to a man “I’m not willing to be one of many but rather the only one.” A fake man will run away but a real man will step up.

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